Hi again. There are several things to catch up on. As far as I can tell, three reading groups are presently running among the UCSB philgrads and faculty. They are:
- The Santa Barbarians: organized by C. Anthony Anderson (caanders@philosophy.ucsb.edu) and covering new articles from journals or working papers from within the department. Meets Monday nights at 8pm at Anderson's house. This Monday the group will discuss Nathan Salmon's "Vagaries about Vagueness".
- The Philosophy of Mind reading group: organized by Jason Newman (jallennewman@hotmail.com), covering papers in the philosophy of mind. Meets Tuesday afternoons at 4pm in 5617 SH. This last Tuesday (sorry I missed it) the group discussed Jerry Fodor's "A Theory of Content" parts I and II. Next reading TBA.
- The Philosophy of Language reading group: organized by Luke Manning (luke_manning@umail.ucsb.edu) and Tim Lewis (tslewis@umail.ucsb.edu), covering papers in the philosophy of language (currently in parallel with Aaron Zimmerman's seminar in the philosophy of mind). Meets Thursday evenings at 6pm at the Starbucks in Camino Real Marketplace. Today's reading (sorry for short notice, but many will have read this already for the seminar) is David Kaplan's "Afterthoughts".
We had our first colloquium of the quarter last Friday, with speaker Alan Nelson (UC Irvine); pending resolution of some technical difficulties, we'll have an mp3 audio recording of that available on the department site.
The Guerrilla Radio Show, our philgrad-run philosophy radio show, has switched gears: we will be broadcasting new live shows every
other Tuesday night from 7-8pm. On the other Tuesdays we will broadcast pre-recorded episodes or other philosophical tidbits. Stay tuned for info about upcoming broadcasts.
We've had a few commenters here on the UCSB Philosophy Blog, and I'd like to thank them and ask them to make some posts of their own. I've sent some of you invitation emails so you can do that; if you need an invitation, please ask and I can send one (again, if need be). If you're not terribly interested in aesthetics (as I seem to be at the moment), post something about metaphysics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, or whatever else keeps you up at night (thinking!).