UCSB Philosophy Blog

Members of the UCSB Department of Philosophy and anyone else are welcome to talk philosophy with us. Bring your own brain.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

UCSB Debating Darwin Conference

This blog isn't really active, but this is a good place to announce:

The Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Santa Barbara is pleased to announce a Steven Humphrey Fund for Excellence in Philosophy Conference:

Debating Darwin: Philosophical Issues in Evolution and Natural Selection
February 18-20, 2011
UC Santa Barbara

Invited Speakers


Additional details TBA at: http://www.philosophy.ucsb.edu/conferences/

Contact: ucsb.conf@gmail.com.

Registration: For those wishing to attend the conference, registration is appreciated. It’s free, and it helps our planing. To register send an email to the conference email address (ucsb.conf@gmail.com) with “Registration” in the subject line. If you give us your name and institutional affiliation, we will have a name tag waiting for you.

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